Une étude montre des effets bénéfiques particulièrement importants du café dans le traitement d’une maladie neurologique orpheline.
A team of researchers revealed the existence of a greater creativity in patients with narcolepsy. The results of the study suggest a link between a particular phase of sleep, REM sleep, and creative abilities.
Firibastat is the first in a new class of antihypertensive drugs targeting the renin-angiotensin system in the brain.
ChroMS is a new microscopy technique bringing together color, 3D and high-resolution imaging, and is nothing short of a revolution in vertebrate brain imaging.
How can the quality of life of patients with narcolepsy, the severest sleep disorder in humans, be improved? An international scientific team led by Yves Dauvilliers, a researcher at Inserm and Université de Montpellier, is working on Solriamfetol – a promising new drug that stimulates alertness and improves resistance to sleepiness.
Physical inactivity is a common factor in lifestyle diseases – and one that is often linked to the excessive consumption of fatty and/or sugary foods. The opposite scenario of excessive physical activity at the expense of caloric intake can also be harmful, as cases of anorexia nervosa illustrate. These data therefore point to the crucial need to research the neurobiological processes that control the respective motivations for exercise and...
Knowledge of the genetic component of Alzheimer's disease continues to deepen. The aim is not to predict the disease but reveal its pathophysiological mechanisms in order to develop new drugs. At Lille’s Institut Pasteur, an Inserm team led by Jean Charles Lambert within Inserm Unit 1167 "Risk factors and molecular determinants of diseases linked to aging" directed by Philippe Amouyel recently hit a new milestone thanks to the Genomics...
Attribué par la fondation Danoise Lundbeck, le « Brain Prize » est un grand prix international qui récompense des scientifiques pour l’importance de leurs recherches en neurosciences. Il est doté d’un montant d’un million d’euros. Il met cette année à l’honneur des travaux débutés il y a près de quarante ans par quatre scientifiques français sur CADASIL, une maladie cérébrovasculaire héréditaire, qui provoque crises de migraine, accidents vasculaires cérébraux et...
Hospital teams Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital AP-HP, Inserm and the Institute of the brain and spinal cord - AP-HP / CNRS / Inserm / University-Sorbonne showed appreciation caregivers (nurses and nursing auxiliaries) for the state of consciousness of patients represented a real added value to medical and electrophysiological exams and conventional brain imaging diagnostics.
In collaboration with the universities of Miami, Columbia and San Francisco, scientists from the Institut Pasteur, Inserm, CNRS, Collège de France, Sorbonne University and the University of Clermont Auvergne have managed to restore hearing in an adult mouse model of DFNB9 deafness – a hearing disorder that represents one of the most frequent cases of congenital genetic deafness. Individuals with DFNB9 deafness are profoundly deaf as they are deficient...