Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health problem that can occur after someone goes through a traumatic event like war, assault, or disaster. Inserm Unit 1061 in Montpellier work on affective troubles and PTSD (Only in french). Photo:
An american study published by BMJ Open demonstrate that reducing sedentary behaviours such as sitting and television viewing may have the potential to increase life expectancy in the USA. Photo:
The WHO has confirmed that an enterovirus causing a serious form of hand, foot and mouth disease could be the origin of an as yet unexplained syndrome that has caused the deaths of dozens of children in Cambodia since April. The illness starts with a high fever followed by respiratory and neurological symptoms. Since April […]
The London Olympic Games kick off on 27 July. With 50 days to go, Inserm’s press service is making contacts and resources downloadable to enable you to find out the latest on research in the fields of sport and health. You can also consult the pack to find out more… (only in french) Photo:
“Brain Week” will take place from 12 to 18 March in France and simultaneously in 62 countries throughout the world. Inserm has made a press kit downloadable with a selection of contacts for interviews and reports, as well as the latest discoveries by Inserm researchers on the subject. Photo: via Sérimedis