The International Association for the Prevention of Suicide is working with WHO to hold this World Prevention Day to raise awareness about the number of lives lost due to suicide. Decreasing the number of suicides is a major public health issue which is part of a wider aim to reduce early mortality (mortality before the […]
At the IUT GMP of Lyon 1 University, researchers for the first time were able to teach an industrial robot how to perform new tasks, by explaining the task in spoken language. Combining forces from cognitive neuroscience and industrial robotics, Peter Ford Dominey (INSERM/CNRS) and Sébastien Henry (Univ Lyon 1) made the link between language […]
Reprogrammed stem cells have made it possible to grow functional heart tissue in the laboratory, according to a study published on Tuesday in the magazine Nature Communications. A team from the University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) used pluripotent induced stem cells (iPS), taken from adult human skin cells, and reprogrammed them to obtain precursors […]
A left-hander has sensory and motor organs that are more developed on the left side, yet it is the right hemisphere of his/her brain that is dominant, the reverse of right-handed people. Physiological, hereditary and environmental factors explain the predominance of the left side in individuals. According to the World Left-handers Days site, left-handers represents […]
For the last few days France has been experiencing high temperature peaks, reaching 40 degrees in certain regions. Even if from a meteorological point of view this is not classified as a heat wave, vigilance messages are multiplying and these are aimed at sections of the population that are most at risk, inviting them to […]
One year after the success of the Paralympic Games in London, France will be hosting the World Handisport Athletics Championships this Friday 19 July in Lyon (lasting until 28 July, the World Handisport Athletics Championships. In Dijon, Gaëlle Deley, scientific officer of the Centre d’Expertise de la Performance and associate researcher in Inserm Unit 1093 […]
The bill to end the ban on research into embryos and embryonic stem cells that was hotly disputed last March is being debated again today in the National Assembly. The status of the embryo is discussed. This type of research has been banned in France unless special permission is received. (Consult the list of research teams authorised […]
Japanese researchers have succeeded in creating a “functional” human liver from induced pluripotent stem cells. These adult iPS cells can be reprogrammed to rejuvenate the cell and rediscover the properties of embryonic stem cells (thus enabling them to return to a renewed immaturity and the ability to differentiate themselves into any cell type). According to […]
The lung infection from which Nelson Mandela has suffered for several years lodges in an essential part of the human organism, the lungs and bronchiae. Pneumonia, pneumopathy and pulmonary abscesses are the main pulmonary infections so far identified. The part of the lung that becomes infected will determine which disease affects the patient. The commonest symptoms […]