The Sentinel network, a collaborative surveillance system developed by Inserm and Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC), is made up of 1,300 primary care practitioners, and approximately one hundred independent pediatricians, spread over mainland France. The network is coordinated by the “Transmissible Diseases Surveillance and Modeling” team at the Inserm and UPMC Pierre Louis Epidemiology […]
Since the COP 22, health has been a central topic of discussion. It is within this context, and on the day before the One planet Summit to be held tomorrow in Paris, that 10 principles for protecting respiratory health from climate change were proposed by an ad hoc workgroup from the Environment and Health Committee […]
Friday December 1, 2017, is World AIDS Day. Introduced by the World Health Organization in 1988 and observed in many countries each year since, this day aims to inform and raise awareness of the prevention, treatment and management of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS. AIDS is a scourge that affects the world’s poorest countries and populations […]
Celebrated every November 14 since its creation in 1991, World Diabetes Day is an opportunity to raise collective awareness of the condition and, above all, the resources deployed to manage it. Diabetes refers to consistently higher than normal blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). Two types of diabetes can be distinguished: – Type 1, an auto-immune disease […]
A Cerebrovascular Accident results from the interruption of blood flow to the brain. The deprivation of oxygen and essential nutrients causes brain cells to die, leading to permanent damage (speech or writing difficulty, memory problems, bodily paralysis to a greater or lesser extent), or even sudden death. World Cerebrovascular Accident Day is organised on 29 […]
Osteoporosis continues to remain a poorly understood and often under-diagnosed disease. It is estimated that 39% of women around the age of 65 suffer from osteoporosis, a figure which rises to up to 70% for those aged 80 and over. Affecting the skeleton, it is characterized by a reduction in bone mass and a deterioration […]
The 11th edition of National “Dys” Day will be held on Tuesday, October 10, 2017. Created by the Fédération Française des DYS, it mobilizes parents who are members of associations together with professionals from across France. The various learning disabilities that begin with “dys”, and which are now better understood by the general public, affect […]
On Monday, October 2, three Americans, Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young, were awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their research on the control of circadian rhythms. A field which is also being studied by researchers from Inserm: Claude Gronfier, Inserm researcher and chronobiologist, Stem-cell and Brain Research Institute, Lyon Howard Cooper, […]
Organized by the France Alzheimer association, the 24th World Alzheimer’s Day will take place this Thursday, September 21. This year, the Alzheimer’s Village information center will be running for the 5th time in Paris (Place de la Bataille-de-Stalingrad), from September 21 to 24, 2017. There are currently 900,000 people affected by Alzheimer’s disease, or […]
Suicide is the cause of over 800,000 deaths around the world each year according to estimates from the World Health Organization, amounting to one death every 40 seconds. It affects all age groups and all parts of the world[1]. In France, the emergency services handle 220,000 suicide attempts every year[2], and 10,500 individuals take their own lives. Several […]