In France, the Journée du Cœur (Heart Day) will take place on 14 February.Cardiovascular disease caused 33% of all deaths in 2011, and is still the main cause of death in the 33 OECD countries. One person in three is affected.With 180,000 deaths a year, cardiovascular diseases are the leading long-term illness, affecting 2.8 million […]
The Sentinelles network is a research and vigilance platform in general medicine at the Unité Mixte de Recherche en Santé 707 (Mixed Health Research Unit 707) (UMR S 707, Inserm-UPMC). At present it is composed of 1288 general practitioners, and 333 of them help in the continual surveillance of epidemics. Please see the Sentiweb site.
“Cure through innovation” is the slogan of the Telethon 2013 fundraising campaign which will begin on 6 and 7 December. For a very long time, these disorders, which are mainly genetic and invalidating, were poorly understood. The Telethon, a major fundraising movement organised by and for the French Muscular Dystrophy Association (AFM), broadcast live on […]
“The number of infanticides in official statistics is underestimated” says Anne Tursz, Inserm research director, specialist in the mistreatment of children and author of an investigation on suspicious infant deaths. For five years, in all the départements of three French regions, she recorded all deaths that had been referred to the State Prosecutor and all […]
Each year, pneumonia kills more than AIDS, malaria and measles combined (according to the UN, 1.2 million children under 5 die of pneumonia each year). Rapid noting of symptoms and quick treatment would avoid many infant deaths. For this World Day, the UN calls upon people to unite against pneumonia, the “leading child killer”. Pneumonia, […]
Huntington’s is a hereditary disease causing neurodegenerescence in adults who have the particular genetic defect. People with Huntingdon’s gradually develop psychiatric symptoms (depression, aggressiveness, agitation, etc.), cognitive disorders (loss of memory, confusion, etc.) and problems with movement such as balance, speech, swallowing etc. In France, it is estimated that 6,000 people have Huntington’s disease (and […]
The Nobel Prize of physiology or medicine 2013 is awarded to James Rothman, Randy Shekman et Thomas Südhof for their work about vesicular transport in cells. Comments available on our twitter account : @Insermlive Read the press release. See the image.
On the occasion of the world heart day, Inserm offers a selection of researchers available to answer your questions on the latest studies. Photo:
At the IUT GMP of Lyon 1 University, researchers for the first time were able to teach an industrial robot how to perform new tasks, by explaining the task in spoken language. Combining forces from cognitive neuroscience and industrial robotics, Peter Ford Dominey (INSERM/CNRS) and Sébastien Henry (Univ Lyon 1) made the link between language […]
Reprogrammed stem cells have made it possible to grow functional heart tissue in the laboratory, according to a study published on Tuesday in the magazine Nature Communications. A team from the University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) used pluripotent induced stem cells (iPS), taken from adult human skin cells, and reprogrammed them to obtain precursors […]