• Le Bourget – “Climate Generation” Village / Wednesday 2 December, 2:55–3:50 pm
A conference as part of the programme for the Research Day, entitled “Qualité de l’air: quelle prévention du risque sanitaire?” (Air quality: how do we prevent the risk to health?), with Robert Barouki (Inserm) Augustin Collette (INERIS) and Robert Vautard (CNRS/CEA)
• Grand Palais (Paris) from Friday 4 to Thursday 10 December – Solutions COP21 Exhibition
Space, “La Recherche se Mobilise pour le Climat” (Research Rallying for Climate Action), hosted by the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and 15 research organisations
Thematic Area on Health
A TV panel on Thursday 10 December at 2:00 pm on the subject of “Air quality: how do we prevent the risk to health?” with Isabella Annesi-Maesano (Inserm) Augustin Collette (INERIS) and Robert Vautard (CNRS/CEA)
Contributions from Inserm experts and facilitators: Rémy Slama, Chantal Raherison, Isabella Annesi-Maesano, Shamila Nair-Bedouelle, Robert Barouki, Grégoire Rey and Michèle Garlatti
Inserm Climate and Health Exhibition: Slide presentation
See the exhibition booklet, which can be consulted online (only in French)
Open to the public from 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm on weekdays, and from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday