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Inserm, France’s rising research star according to Nature

27 Jul 2016 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Institutional and special event


(c) Macmillan Publishers Ltd

The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) is the only research institution in France listed in the World Top 100 institutions with the most progress in the last 3 years. This is indicated by the Nature Index 2016 Rising Stars, which highlights the big contribution of Inserm researchers to publications in the best 68 journals selected by Nature. This ranking identifies the most brilliant institutions to watch in 2016 and in the coming years.


Of 8,000 institutions reviewed, Inserm appears in 75th place among the institutions with the strongest progress. In three years, of a selection of 68 scientific journals rated best by Nature, the number of publications increased by 17.43%. Contributions from Inserm researchers published in the journal Science and the Nature Group Journals almost doubled in three years. Inserm is the only research institution in France listed in the Nature Index 2016 Rising Stars. Its presence in this index is all the more exceptional given that the index is naturally dominated by countries, such as China, that have very recently entered into international competition, and have exceptional growth in their number of publications.


For Professor Yves Lévy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Inserm: “This indicator reflects our research policy, which encourages Inserm researchers to publish in the best journals because they are talented. This index didn’t take into account medical journals specialising in clinical research, such as NEJM, JAMA or The Lancet, in which growth is 37%. Theses results confirm the place of Inserm in basic science and in clinical research.”


About Inserm

Founded in 1964, the French National Institute of Health and Medical research (Inserm) is a public science and technology institute, jointly supervised by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and women’s Rights. Inserm is the only French public research institute to focus entirely on human health with nearly 15000 researchers, engineers, technicians, post-doctoral students and more than 300 laboratories. The mission of its scientists is to study all diseases, from the most common to the rarest. Inserm is a member of Aviesan, the French National Alliance for Life Sciences and Health founded in 2009. Other founding members of Aviesan : CEA, CNRS, CHRU, CPU, INRA, INRIA, Institut Pasteur, IRD.

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Press Contact
Juliette Hardy / Priscille Rivière
Nature Index 2016 Rising Stars, volume 535, n° 7613, 28 July 2016