With a view to strengthening dialogue into “science and society”, Inserm, in partnership with Universcience (1) and players from regional scientific and technical sectors, has launched “Health in questions”, a series of public conferences. The objective is to encourage interactivity with the public and to provide a platform for public information, reaction, expression and personal accounts; the participative conferences propose several annual events held on national or international health days. As such, these events will highlight an issue from health-related current affairs and then debate it in the presence of experts (researchers, doctors, sociologists, etc.) and representatives from civil society (patient associations, political groups, etc.).
Knowledge acquired in life sciences and health sectors helps produce treatments to combat disease; but this progress also has ethical, societal and economic consequences.
During the ‘Week of the Brain’, Inserm, Unverscience and their partners are pleased to invite you to join in discussions on:
“Parkinson’s disease: can we regenerate the brain?”
Thursday, 15 March, from 6.30pm to 8pm
at the Palais de la découverte, a Universcience venue in Paris
with live link-ups with the La Coupole theatre in Saint-Louis.
Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the progressive loss of a single type of brain cell. Is transplanting healthy cells produced by induced pluripotent stem cells the solution?
- Marianne Kuhn, Chairwoman of the France Parkinson Alsace association – xhua.znevnaar@jnanqbb.se // +33 (0)3 89 40 29 90
- Pr Philippe Remy, neurology dept. at the Hôpital Henri Mondor in Créteil and leader of the “Clinical imaging of neurodegenerative diseases” research team, MIRCen, Orsay –arheb-cuvyvccr.erzl@uza.ncuc.se // +33 (0)6 61 79 37 90
- Dr Christine Tranchant, Neurology dept., Hôpitaux Universitaires, Strasbourg – Puevfgvar.Genapunag@pueh-fgenfobhet.se // +33 (0)3 88 12 85 31
Debate chaired by Jean-Philippe Braly (La Recherche).
This first conference from the “Health in Questions” series will be inaugurated by Claudie Haigneré, Chairwoman of Universcience and Pr. André Syrota, Inserm Chairman and CEO, at the Palais de la découverte in Paris. Inaugurations will also be led by Gérard Binder, Chairman of the Nef des sciences in Mulhouse and Gilles Block, Inserm Grand Est Regional delegate, at the La Coupole theatre in Saint-Louis. This conference is part of a general partnership agreement that will be signed, during the event, by Inserm and Universcience.
(1) Public establishment run by the Palais de la découverte and the Cité des sciences et de l’industrie.
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