Press releases

October 12th 2014: World Arthritis Day

10 Oct 2014 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Uncategorized

World Arthritis Day, which is held on 12 October every year, is aimed at raising awareness among the general public, health professions and public authorities, about the size of the burden generated by this disease.

A leading cause of disability in the over 40s, rheumatic diseases are, for the most part, chronic inflammatory disorders. Collectively known under the generic term “arthritis,” the latter affect the joints, but can also affect the spine, pelvis, skin, small blood vessels or vital organs.

To mark this day, Inserm and Aviesan have organised for Monday 13 October at the Pavillon de l’Eau (Water Pavilion) in Paris, in partnership with the French Society for Rheumatology and the Courtin Arthritis Foundation, the 1st meeting of the Foundations and Associations for Research on Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases, “Healthy Ageing and Rheumatic/Musculoskeletal Diseases.”

See all the information concerning this colloquium on the dedicated website.

Our last communication on this topic:
Serotonin and bones – February 2012
Researcher Contact

Francis Berenbaum
Unité Inserm 938 Centre de recherche Saint-Antoine
01 49 28 25 20

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