Press office

Our services

The Press Office provides daily support to Inserm’s researchers and staff in their interactions with the media. It also has the role of facilitating access for journalists to research results produced by Inserm’s researchers. Inserm’s Press Room constitutes the web-based interface between the media, Internet users and Inserm’s research community. It can be accessed by all, and is available in English and on mobile devices (tablets/smartphones).

Média Journalists, bloggers, influencers, the Press Office is at your service to:

INFORM you on the latest news from the Institute

See “Press Releases/Files” and “News In Brief” to find the latest news/discoveries and institutional news from Inserm. Keep in touch by subscribing to the RSS feed and Twitter and Facebook accounts.

REFER you to Inserm researchers and experts

Throughout the year, send your specific requests to the Press Office team, who will refer you to Inserm’s experts, according to your research area of interest and your constraints. Contact lists of Inserm experts on the main themes are drawn up every year so that you can have access to a selection of contacts appropriate for the theme of your next topic.

HELP you to anticipate and prepare your topics and reports

Whenever a health-related topic is in the news, the Press Office provides you, where possible, with an Inserm expert contact in the “What’s on?” section. We often release research news to journalists under embargo. To avail of this, request press releases from Inserm. In doing so, you agree to comply with the embargo dates and times required by the international scientific journals, and displayed at the top of releases. TV journalists, prepare for your report ahead of time by completing the autorisation de tournage (authorisation for filming), which we will return to you as soon as possible.

LISTEN to you, and strengthen the link between Inserm and the media

The Press Office team adapts to your needs. At any time of year, feel free to tell us about your constraints, and developments in your writing and practices, so that we can make adjustments. If you wish to regularly involve Inserm researchers and give them a voice, come to us so that we can respond to your needs and develop new projects. Because we are there for you, we are interested in any remarks and suggestions on the resource materials we make available to you.

Researchers Inserm research professionals, we work alongside you to:

ADVISE you on promoting your results via the media

You are an Inserm researcher and have had a publication accepted by a primary scientific journal, and you consider this work to be sufficiently innovative in terms of your scientific output, and likely to be of interest to the national media (print press, radio and TV)*. Contact your regional Inserm communications officer to let him/her know, and submit the scientific publication to the Press Office team as soon as it has been accepted, together with a short summary. We will share our expertise with you to advise you on promoting your work. You are coordinating a European project, and wish to prepare to communicate the next results, with the relevant support. Inserm’s Press Office, a partner in the CommHere project, has expertise in this area for improving the communication of results from EU-supported health research to the European media and general public. Your request concerns: The Inserm magazine:  The Inserm weekly newsletter: *Press agencies: AFPAPM; print press – dailies, weeklies, monthlies: Le MondeLe FigaroL’ObsLe Quotidien du Médecin, Science et Avenir; TV: TF1France 2France 5BFMTV, etc.; radio: France InfoEurope 1RTL, etc.

SUPPORT you in your dealings with the press

We support you in promoting your work to the general and specialist national media (scientific and medical). Inserm’s Press Office will distribute the information and your contact details as an Inserm researcher to journalists. You may thus have to answer their questions in interviews (print press, radio, TV) so that they can prepare their topics, often before the results are published. At the end of this process, the Press Office will provide you with a review of press articles or audiovisual reports mentioning Inserm, obtained via our monitoring of Inserm-related topics. Throughout the year, journalists may contact you as an Inserm expert so that you can comment on a topic currently in the news, research done by a foreign team, or a world awareness day on your research theme. Do not hesitate to contact us to let us know about it, and to ask us the necessary questions. If Inserm is mentioned in the article or report, we will send you the relevant article or series as soon as it has been identified.

PREPARE you for your future media contributions

You are offered two “media training” sessions a year by Inserm’s Press Office and Human Resources Department to prepare you for any presentations you may make to the media.

Go to to register for this training (limited number of places). Inserm’s Press Office team is available to answer your questions by email or telephone at +33 (0)

Inserm in the news

Founded in 1964, the French National Institute of Health and Medical research (Inserm) is a public science and technology institute, jointly supervised by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and women’s Rights. Inserm is the only French public research institute to focus entirely on human health and positions itself on the pathway from research laboratory to the bed of the patient. The mission of its scientists is to study all diseases, from the most common to the rarest.

With an initial 2024 budget of 1.176 billion euros in revenue (+2.3% on the 2023 budget), Inserm supports nearly 350 laboratories throughout France. All the teams include nearly 14,000 researchers, engineers, technicians, managers, university hospitals, post-doctoral fellows, etc.

Excluding social media, there were 12,279 mentions of Inserm in 2023. This coverage corresponds to an editorial impact of 2,502 million contacts reached, which means that each French person over 15 years of age was exposed to the Inserm brand 80 times on average during the year.

Print media coverage remains stable with the top 3 represented by Ouest France, Le Monde, Le Figaro.

In TV and radio, it is mainly the national channels that are responsible for the increase in Inserm’s exposure. On radio, these increases are concentrated in particular on France Culture, France Inter, RFI et France Info (thanks, in particular, to the programmes La Tête au Carré, CQFD and Priorité Santé). On TV:  increase in exposure on France 5, BFM TV, France Info TV and the 24-hour news channels.

From a communication point of view, the success of “Canal Détox”, a scientific information tool for all aimed at combating preconceived ideas, is undeniable.

On social media, Inserm had 159, 800 subscribers on Twitter, 52,330 on Facebook,  397,000 subscribers to the Youtube channel, 154,000 subscribers on LinkedIn, 16, 885 subscribers on Instagram as of 1 January 2024.

The team

Inserm’s press and reputation department, part of the Inserm Department of Communication, is composed of 6 people. The members of the Inserm press service are the authors of the contents of the press room.

To contact us :

Priscille Rivière – Responsable

Léa Roy – Attachée de presse

Léa Surugue – Attachée de presse

Tatiana Marotta – Attachée de presse

Graziella Cara – Assistante du service de presse

Gaëlle Porte – Community manager scientifique


The members of the Inserm press service are the authors of the content of the press room.
