This ranking is based on the integration of data regarding intellectual property; the number of patents and publications stored in the Thomson Reuters database platforms over the last 8 years.
The first 25 listed public organisations are ranked according to 10 criteria, including: the total number of identified publications, the percentage of publications containing at least one co-author affiliated with a private entity, the volume of WIPO-registered patents, the patent success rate (rate of application), the patent registration percentage covering the US, Europe and Japan, or the patent citation rate (Patent Citation Index).
Note: the Fraunhofer (Germany) is ranked 2nd, the Japan Science and Technology Agency is 3rd, and Health & Human Services (HHS), a subsidiary of the American NIH and CDC in charge of industrial property matters, is in 4th place.
A similar ranking of universities was published by Reuters last year.
According to CEA Chairman Daniel Verwaerde, “this result acknowledges CEA’s efforts to validate the outcome of its research and the international recognition it has today. The impact of our patents is clearly evident in the industrial and commercial field, as well as the professionalism of the teams in charge of managing intellectual property. ”
“This unique, international and professional ranking shows how innovation and transmission are at the heart of French research, with performances that contradict the preconceived notions communicated throughout France”, states Alain Fuchs, Chairman of CNRS.
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