Press releases

The “Young Researchers” congress to be held in 5 towns in France, on the theme of addiction

22 May 2013 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Public health

Over the whole school year, 20 middle school and high school pupils were seen each month in 5 neuroscience laboratories specializing in the study of addictions.

Goals: to change the attitude of these budding “apprentice researchers” to the hidden side of drugs (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, etc.) and to addictions and to make for easier contact between youngsters and the world of research.
Starting soon on May 30th, the Young Researchers will present their research during five conference to be held in Poitiers (May 30), Amiens (June 4), Paris (June 5), Bordeaux (June 6) and Marseille (June 10).
The MAAD programme (Mechanisms of Addiction to Alcohol and Drugs) launched by Inserm with the support of the MILDT (the Interministerial mission for the fight against drugs and drug addiction) uses a “scientific education” type of approach that attempts to give these youngsters a better understanding of the products involved by introducing them to the scientific process.

One Wednesday per month, five research laboratories specialising in the pathology of addiction worked with teams consisting of a fourth-year junior school student and a middle-year high school student[1]. Working under the auspices of a senior researcher, the youngsters ran a research programme, carried out experiments and interpreted the results.

The 5 conferences held in the different research centres involved will provide information useful to all our Young Researchers. The audience will be made up of their classmates, parents, teachers, etc – and the public. These conferences are open to all and are free.

In Paris, the conference will take place on Wednesday June 5, 2015 at 18H30
in the Salle Polyvalente du SHU Sainte-Anne, 108 rue de la Santé, Paris
Danièle Jourdain Menninger, President of the MILDT, will be there for the occasion

The presentations given by the Young Researchers will be followed by a debate chaired by Laurence Lanfumey-Mongrédien, an Inserm researcher. The theme will be: “Drinking alcohol while young: the consequences in adult life”

Poitiers conference: Thursday May 30, 2013 at 18H30
Amiens conference: Tuesday June 4, 2013 at 18H00

Bordeaux conference: Thursday June 6, 2013 , at 18H00
Marseille conference: Monday June 10, 2013 , at 18H00

The consumption by young people of psychoactive products (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, etc.) is causing constant concern for the health authorities, because it is now known that consumption at an early age while the brain is still in its developing stage, is a factor that favourises the development of dependence once adult age is reached. This campaign to arouse awareness of the toxicity of drugs is trying to bring an innovatory light to the other more conventional methods (radio spots, video clips, newspapers, mini-conferences inside schools and educational establishments, etc.).

[1]   The 5 laboratories who participated are: Amiens (Inserm ERI 24, Pr Mickaël Naassila), Bordeaux (Inserm U862 Magendie Neurosciences, Pr. Véronique Deroche), Marseille (UMR 7289 CNRS cognitive neurobiology laboratory, Dr Christelle Baunez), Paris (Inserm UMR 894, Dr. Laurence Lanfumey-Mongrédien) and Poitiers (Laboratory of experimental neurosciences and Inserm Clinic U1084, Pr. Mohamed Jaber).

Press Contact
Pour plus de détails sur ces congrès (dates, lieux précis, contacts) 01 44 23 60 73MILDTMarie-Claire Guidotti 01 42 75 69 57
Le dispositif Apprentis Chercheurs est développé depuis 2004 par l’Arbre des Connaissances, association de chercheurs désireux d’éveiller l’esprit critique des jeunes à travers l’initiation à la démarche scientifique.