Inserm/Aviesan, the French Society for Rheumatology, the French Arthritis Foundation and 17 partner associations will come together for the 5th Together Against Rheumatism day on October 12, 2018, under the high patronage of President Emmanuel Macron.
Its objective is twofold: fulfill the need for communication between patients, doctors and researchers and create a buzz around the need to support rheumatism and musculoskeletal disease research in France.
The event will take the form of two webinars for which you can register free online:
There will be two themes: the morning session (11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.) will look at gene-environment interactions using the example of pre-rheumatoid arthritis, and the afternoon session (2 – 3:30 p.m.) will be devoted to the new cell and tissue therapies for rheumatism.
Each conference will be divided into three parts in order to promote dialog between patients and research professionals. A clinician/researcher will begin by describing the current research situation and give their clinical viewpoint. Then, representatives of the group of partner associations will put forward the questions and expectations of patients. The final part of the session will take the form of a discussion involving the various speakers, with the possibility for the webinar participants to ask questions.
In the morning, Prof. Alain Cantagrel, President of the French Society for Rheumatology at Toulouse university hospital, will speak followed by Nathalie de Benedittis (representing the association Pass Sapho), Gérard Thibaud (Andar) and Céline Danhiez (Kourir).
In the afternoon, Prof. Christian Jorgensen (Montpellier) will speak followed by Françoise Alliot-Launois (AFLAR) and Philippe Stévenin (ACS).
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