Press releases

A Summer of Science and Art with the Participation of Inserm

28 Jun 2018 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Institutional and special event

©Amelie Blanc, Robin Lopvet, Alexandre Kong A Siou

Inserm has long played a proactive role in scientific outreach in order to share science and biomedical research advances with the general public. And this summer 2018 will be no exception, with its host of events in which art and science will meet, in which our researchers will participate in La recherche de l’art #7 in Arles, Binôme in Avignon, and the Science in The City festival in Toulouse. The diary of Inserm’s scientific and cultural events, which include a photography exhibition, play, and visual performances, is presented below.


Inserm and National Photography School ENSP present La recherche de l’art #7

Since 2011, Inserm laboratories offer photographic residencies to young ENSP graduates. La recherche de l’art brings art and science together to offer a vision that is astonishing, unexpected and always innovative. Philippe Rostagno, Researcher at the Mediterranean Center for Molecular Medicine (Nice) hosted Alexandre Kong A Siou; Sophie Nunes Figueirado from the Brain and Spine Institute (Paris) hosted Robin Lopvet; Laurence Doumenc from the Digestive Health Research Institute (Toulouse) hosted Amélie Blanc.

Save the date: The private viewing, to take place in Arles on July 3 at 4:30 p.m. in the presence of the photographers and Inserm researchers is where lens and laboratory meet. A dedicated publication has been produced. Galerie du Haut – Ensp, 16 rue des Arènes, Arles, from July 2 – August 26.


Inserm and theater company les sens des mots present the new edition of binôme at the Avignon Festival

A singular encounter between an Inserm researcher and an author has given us this play, which is interpreted by three actors. The reading, by les sens des mots, will be accompanied by an original musical creation. The result – sensitive, astonishing and often funny – gives us a different look at science and those involved in it.

Save the date: Bobby et le garçon X-Fragile, to be held on July 20 at 5:30 p.m. in the Cour Minérale of Université d’Avignon, is written by Sonia Ristic, inspired by her encounter with Inserm Neurogenetics Research Director Barbara Bardoni.


Inserm present at Science in the City, a general-public science festival as part of ESOF 2018 in Toulouse

  • The Inserm Occitanie Pyrénées Regional Office is a partner of the La science en taille XX elles project driven by the Femmes&Sciences association and CNRS Midi-Pyrénées whose aim is to promote female scientists, deconstruct stereotypes and inspire young women to pursue scientific careers. Twelve portraits of female scientists, including Inserm Research Director Emmanuelle Rial-Sebbag, will be exhibited from July 6 – 15 in the windows of Galeries Lafayette and in partnership with the Toulouse tourist office, celebrating female scientists who, despite having marked history, are forgotten or unknown. Meetings with scientists from July 7 – 9 at the Espace des diversités et laïcités with a showing of Inserm films “Gender and health: beware of clichés!”.
Save the date: from July 6 – 15, 2018.


  • hEARt, a musical journey in the imaginary world of the heart created by composer Christophe Ruetsch, supported by Inserm with the participation of Franck Lezoualc’h, Inserm Research Director at the Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Diseases.
Save the date: from July 10 – 15 at Chapelle des Carmélites, entry free from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.



Researcher Contact
Philippe Rostagno Chercheur Inserm U1065 Centre méditerranéen de médecine moléculaire / C3M 04 89 06 42 70 rf.ecinu@ongatsor Laurence Doumenc Secrétaire général U1220 Institut de recherche en santé digestive 05 62 74 45 03 rf.mresni@cnemuod.ecnerual Sophie Nunes Figueirado ICM Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière 01 57 27 44 33 gro.etutitsni-mci@senun.eihpos Barbara Bardoni Chercheuse Inserm UMR 7275 Institut de pharmacologie moléculaire et cellulaire (IPMC) Métabolisme ARN et troubles neuro-développementaux    04 93 95 77 66 rf.mresni@inodrab.arabrab Franck Lezoualc’h Directeur de recherche Inserm UMR 1-048  Institut des maladies métaboliques et cardiovasculaires (I2MC) Signalisation et physiopathologie de l’insuffisance cardiaque 05 61 32 56 46 rf.mresni@hclauozel.knarf Emmanuelle Rial Sebbag Chercheuse Inserm U1027 épidémiologie et analyses en santé publique : risques, maladies chroniques et handicaps Trajectoires d’innovations en santé : enjeux bioéthiques et impact en santé publique 05 61 14 56 16 rf.mresni@gabbes-lair.elleunamme
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