Press releases

binôme édition #6 at the Avignon Festival

16 Jun 2015 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Uncategorized

The les sens des mots company, Inserm (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) and ICM (Brain and Spinal Cord Institute) are pleased to invite you to a show presented during binôme édition #6 at the Avignon Festival:

Stimulation Cérébrale Profonde (Deep Brain Stimulation), by Camille Chamoux, author, following her meeting with Eric Burguière, a researcher in neurobiology with CNRS – INSERM – ICM.

Clotilde proudly introduces her new man, a researcher, to her entourage. But as Gérard, Clotilde’s father says, “a neurobiologist paid from our taxes to do experiments on mice—now that raises a good few questions.”

Monday 13 July 2015, 5:30-6:30 pm at Maison Jean Vilar (8 bis rue de Mons, 84000 Avignon)

In order to reach an increasingly wider audience, Inserm is creating new visions of science by uniting the world of research with that of arts and culture. It is in this context that Inserm has been a partner in binôme for the last 5 years.

binôme is a series of Theatre and Science shows based on scripts written by playwrights after interviewing researchers on film, inspired by an idea by Thibault Rossigneux, artistic director of the theatre company les sens des mots (the meaning of words).

Eric Burguière

The repetitive behaviours characteristic of a certain number of illnesses, particularly OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), are central to Eric Burguière’s research. His Inserm team works to better understand the brain mechanisms that cause these behaviours, in order to better treat them.

Camille Chamoux

Camille Chamoux became known from her first one-woman-show, Camille Attaque, and her columns on Canal Plus television in l’Édition Spéciale or on Europe1 radio. She also co-wrote the film Les Gazelles (2013), directed by Mona Achache, and played the lead role in it. In 2014, she created her second show Née sous Giscard (Born under Giscard), which she published with Solitaires Intempestifs, at the Théâtre du Petit Saint-Martin, with stage direction by Marie Dompnier. She is currently writing a second feature-length film, acting in four films in 2015, and is preparing her next one-woman-show.

This show will be rerun three times in autumn:

– 25 September, at Théâtre de la Reine Blanche (Paris 18), programme in preparation

– 26 September, as part of the Curiositas festival in Gif sur Yvette, programme in preparation
– 7 October at 7 pm, at ICM (Paris 13) during Fête de la Science

Supported by SACD, CEA, CNRS, ICM, INERIS, INSERM, IRD, OSU Pythéas, PACA Region, DRRT and Culture Science PACA. In partnership with Maison Jean Vilar, Festival d’Avignon, Faïencerie–Théâtre de Creil, and proarti.

Press Contact
Compagnie les sens des mots
Antoine Gautier

Adeline Bouzet

Agathe Gioli