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15 september 2015 : world Lymphoma Awareness Day

07 Sep 2015 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | International day

To mark the 8th World Lymphoma Day in France, the France Lymphome Espoir (France Lymphoma Hope) association is conducting a tour of eight large cities in France from 15 to 25 September.
Patients, those close to them, and caregivers are thus invited to share their experience on themes such as care and living with the disease.

Lymphoma is currently the 5th most common cancer, and the leading cancer in adolescents and young adults. This disease of the lymphatic system, a key component of the immune system, is different from cancers of organs since it can develop throughout the entire system.*

*Further information available on the World Lymphoma Day website and the news release posted online by France Lymphome Espoir

The Lymphoma Coalition programme can also be viewed online

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Researcher Contact

Unité Inserm 918 “Génétique des lymphomes et proliférations lymphoïdes et ses liens avec la clinique” Centre Henri Becquerel, Rouen

Fabrice Jardin, directeur de l’unité Inserm
+33 (0)2 32 08 24 65

Philippe Ruminy
+33 (0)2 32 08 25 77

Unité Inserm 955 Equipe “Immunologie et oncogénèse des tumeurs lymphoides”
Hôpital Mondor de recherche biomédicale, Paris

Philippe Gaulard, responsable de l’équipe Inserm
+33 (0)1 49 81 27 28

Christiane Copie-Bergman
+33 (0)1 49 81 27 28
