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Nobel Prize for Medicine 2023

02 Oct 2023 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | Covid-19 | Event | International

Portraits dessinés des deux lauréats du prix Nobel de médecine 2023 : Katalin Karikó (àgauche) et Drew Weissman (à droite)Ill. Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Prize Outreach 

The winners of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine were announced on Monday October 2, 2023. They are American-Hungarian Katalin Karikó and American Drew Weissman. They are being rewarded for their discoveries concerning nucleic base modifications, which were essential to the development of effective messenger RNA vaccines against Covid-19. Their work has also fundamentally altered our understanding of how mRNA interacts with our immune system.


At Inserm, research into the many potential applications of messenger RNA continues.


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Inserm Unit 1068 – Marseille Cancer Research Center

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Inserm Unit 1302 – Immunology and new concepts in immunotherapy


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Inserm Unit 1212 – Nucleic Acids: Natural and Artificial Regulation

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