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Monday 1st December: World AIDS Day

27 Nov 2014 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | International day

The human immunodeficiency virus, named HIV, is a sexually transmitted disease that targets the immune system and weakens body’s systems that detect and defend against infection and certain types of cancer (source: World Health Organisation). AIDS is the abbreviated term for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and is the most advanced stage of HIV infection. With more than 36 million deaths worldwide to date, this virus is a major public health concern.

As of 2014, 30,000 people in France are unknowingly infected with the AIDS virus.

World AIDS day has been organised each year since 1988, with the aim to inform and educate the public regarding the prevention, treatment and management of HIV/AIDS.

Heavily involved in research connected with the virus, researchers are enlisted all year round to find new strategies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

To find out more about recent INSERM/ANRS news on this topic:

L’initiation d’un traitement de méthadone par les médecins généralistes s’avère efficace) Initiation of methadone treatment by general practitioners is effective (français) – November 2014

Les cellules dendritiques, cellules clés pour la mise en place d’une nouvelle stratégie vaccinale (Dendritic cells – key cells in the development of a new vaccine strategy) (français)– October 2014

Comprendre l’immunité innée maternelle pour réduire la transmission du VIH-1 au niveau des muqueuses (Understanding maternal innate immunity to reduce mucosal HIV-1 transmission) (français)– October 2014

See all information concerning the IPERGAY programme, a trial demonstrating the effectiveness of preventive treatment (ART) taken during intercourse against HIV/AIDS infection, on the dedicated website (français)./complement]


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Unité Inserm 932 “Immunité et cancer”
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