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September 26th 2014: World Contraception Day

24 Sep 2014 | By Inserm (Newsroom) | International day

World Contraception Day will take place this Friday, 26 September. Now in its 8th consecutive year, this international information and discussion campaign is an opportunity to promote the variety of contraception options available, and to recall the importance of using contraception appropriate for one’s lifestyle and medical and emotional situation.

Our last communications on this topic :
The pill crisis in France: towards a new contraceptive model? – May 2014
Fertility problems – what we know and our lines of research – February 2013
Contraception in France: new context, new practices? – September 2012

These contents could be interesting :

Researcher Contact

Nathalie Bajos

Unité Inserm 1018 équipe “Genre, santé sexuelle et reproductivité”

01 45 21 22 73


Caroline Moreau

Unité Inserm 1018 équipe “Genre, santé sexuelle et reproductivité”

