While bacteriophages – viruses that kill bacteria – could be a solution for fighting antibiotic-resistant pathogens, various obstacles stand in the way of their clinical development. To overcome them, researchers have developed a model to better predict the efficacy of phage therapy and possibly develop more robust clinical trials.
Santé publique France et l’Inserm (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale) signent aujourd’hui un accord visant à encadrer, renforcer et développer leur collaboration. Plusieurs thématiques prioritaires ont été identifiées pour les 5 prochaines années : maladies infectieuses émergentes et modélisation, facteurs environnementaux et santé, nutrition, inégalités sociales et santé périnatale. Cet accord permettra une alliance scientifique renforcée de la recherche avec la surveillance et la prévention-promotion...
Seasonal influenza is a major public health issue because it continues to remain associated with considerable mortality, particularly among people who are elderly, immunocompromised, or both. With vaccination and current treatments still being of limited efficacy, research teams are trying to develop new therapeutic approaches. Scientists have shown that in a context of influenza infection, a metabolite called succinate, which is naturally present in the body, has an antiviral...
With previous findings having highlighted the role of our social environment as one of the key factors behind the expansion of the cerebral cortex, researchers went one step further in elucidating this link. They were more specifically interested in a species of macaques whose brain architecture is comparable to that of humans. By observing these non-human primates in their natural state and by analyzing images of their brains, they...
In a new study, researchers investigated a receptor found on male germ cells that produce gametes, their aim being to find out more about its role in chemotherapy-related infertility. Their findings pave the way for a better understanding of male infertility and the development of treatments to reduce the risk of sterility from chemotherapy.
Scientists from the Institut Pasteur (a partner research organization of Université Paris Cité), Inserm and the CNRS have discovered that hypothalamic neurons in an animal model directly detect variations in bacterial activity and adapt appetite and body temperature accordingly. These findings demonstrate that a direct dialog occurs between the gut microbiota and the brain, a discovery that could lead to new therapeutic approaches for tackling metabolic disorders such as...
In patients with familial adenomatous polyposis, a genetic disease predisposing to colon cancer, mutations of the APC gene induce the formation of intestinal polyps, but also reduce immune system activity. In a new study, researchers describe the mechanisms that modify the structure of T lymphocytes and hinder their migration towards the tumors to be destroyed. This discovery provides new perspectives on the migration of immune cells, a key process...
Dans une nouvelle étude, des scientifiques ont identifié, à partir des données de près de 26 000 volontaires de la cohorte Constances, quels symptômes persistants sont le plus fréquemment rapportés par les personnes ayant été infectées par le SARS-CoV-2 comparé au reste de la population. Il s’agit principalement de la perte de goût ou d’odorat, de gêne respiratoire ou de fatigue.
Rémi Quirion, Quebec’s Chief Scientist, and Dr. Gilles Bloch, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), are pleased to announce the signing of a new joint Declaration of Intent between the Quebec Health Research Fund and Inserm. Covering the next four years, this declaration renews an institutional partnership spanning over half a century.
A very small percentage of people with HIV-1, known as "post-treatment controllers" (PTCs), are able to control their infection after interrupting all antiretroviral therapy. Understanding the fundamental mechanisms that govern their immune response is essential in order to develop HIV-1 vaccines, novel therapeutic strategies to achieve remission, or both. A recent study investigated the humoral immune response – also known as antibody-mediated immunity – in some PTCs in whom...