The teams from the kidney transplantation department of Necker-Enfants Malades AP-HP hospital, Inserm and Paris Cité University, as part of the Paris Translational Research Center for Organ Transplantation (PARCC), coordinated by doctor Olivier Aubert and Professor Alexandre Loupy conducted a study on the benefit of liquid biopsy (cfDNA) as a technique for predicting kidney transplant rejection.
When it comes to health, inequalities can be seen at every level for women with breast cancer: prevention, screening, diagnosis, treatment, and survival. But what about their quality of life? A team from the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the University Hospitals of Geneva (HUG), Inserm, and Gustave Roussy has tracked nearly 6,000 women diagnosed with breast cancer over a 2-year period, showing that socioeconomic status has a major and...
Inserm has published a new Collective Expert Review on the theme of multiple disabilities, commissioned by the French National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy (CNSA). The conclusions and recommendations of this Collective Expert Review provide useful new elements to improve care and help answer questions regarding the consideration, interactions and integration of people with multiple disabilities.
What if our blood platelets , which play a major role in maintaining the integrity of our circulatory system, were not always on our side? Research teams from Inserm, Université de Strasbourg and the French Blood Establishment have studied their role in the process of metastasis formation. Their findings suggest that platelets, by binding specifically to circulating cancer cells, promote their survival not just in the bloodstream, but also...
A research team from Inserm and Université Grenoble Alpes investigated the potential effects on placental DNA of exposure to three major airborne pollutants. When comparing the data obtained from around 1 500 pregnant women, it observed that exposure to these pollutants during pregnancy was associated with epigenetic changes liable to alter the development of the foetus, particularly at the metabolic, immune and neurological levels.
Inserm scientists from the Epidemiology of Childhood and Adolescent Cancers team (EPICEA – Inserm JRU 1153)[1] and the EPI-PHARE scientific interest group (ANSM/Cnam), together with experts in medically assisted reproduction (MAR), have published in JAMA Network Open the findings of a large-scale study aimed at comparing the risk of cancer in children conceived by MAR with that of children conceived naturally.
Human embryo compaction, an essential step in the first days of an embryo’s development, is driven by the contractility of its cells. This is the finding of a team of scientists from CNRS, Institut Curie, Inserm, AP-HP and the Collège de France. These results contradict the presupposed driving role of cell adhesion in this phenomenon and pave the way for improved assisted reproductive technology (ART).
Emulsifiers are among the additives most widely used by the food industry, helping to improve the texture of food products and extend their shelf life. Researchers from Inserm, INRAE, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Université Paris Cité and Cnam, as part of the Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team (CRESS-EREN), studied the possible links between the dietary intake of food additive emulsifiers and the onset of type 2 diabetes between 2009 and...
Cardiovascular diseases represent the leading cause of death worldwide . Preventing cardiovascular risk by identifying the people most susceptible to these diseases is a major public health challenge. In a new study in this field, researchers from Inserm, Université de Lorraine and Nancy Regional University Hospital opted to focus on arterial stiffness and how it changes with age, given that ageing is associated with a loss of arterial flexibility.
Because of their cyclical rhythm and similar durations, the menstrual and lunar cycles have often been assumed to be linked, despite no solid evidence so far to support this. To gain a better understanding of the origin of the rhythmic regularity of the menstrual cycle, an international research team involving Inserm, CNRS and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 compared a large amount of data on cycles collected from studies...