- 2021
Press releases - 10.05.2021
Long COVID: 60% of Hospitalized Patients Still Have at Least One Symptom Six Months Later
In a new study, researchers show that a significant proportion of patients who were hospitalized and followed up as part of French COVID continue to have symptoms three and six months after infection.
Press releases - 05.05.2021
COVID-19: discovery of the mechanisms of short- and long-term anosmia
Loss of smell, or anosmia, is one of the earliest and most commonly reported symptoms of COVID-19.
Press releases - 05.05.2021
Cancers du foie de l’enfant : plasticité tumorale et résistance à la chimiothérapie
Grâce à une importante analyse génomique des cancers du foie de l’enfant, l’équipe du Professeure Jessica Zucman-Rossi au Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers (Université de Paris, Inserm, Sorbonne Université), et ses collaborateurs du réseau Hepatobio, ont identifié de nouveaux mécanismes de résistance à la chimiothérapie.
Press releases - 29.04.2021
ComPaRe Covid long: development of the first scientific measure of the severity of the disease and its impact on the lives of patients
Researchers from the ComPaRe cohort (Community of Patients for Research, compare.aphp.fr ), led by Prof. Philippe Ravaud, AP-HP / University of Paris / Inserm, used an original method to develop and validate the first measurement science of the severity of the disease and its impact on the lives of patients.
Press releases - 29.04.2021
Inserm and AstraZeneca join forces to test the efficacy of monoclonal antibody combination AZD7442 on Covid-19 in the European DisCoVeRy trial
A long-acting antibody (LAAB) combination developed by AstraZeneca is to be evaluated in DisCoVeRy, the Inserm-coordinated European trial aimed at finding a treatment for COVID-19.
Press releases - 29.04.2021
EPIPAGE-2 Study: Outcomes for Preterm Children After 5.5 Years
A l’âge de 5 ans et demi, 35% des enfants nés extrêmes prématurés, près de 45% des grands prématurés et 55% de ceux nés modérément prématurés auront une trajectoire développementale proche de la normale.
Press releases - 28.04.2021
COVIDOM – Study on the clinical characteristics and factors associated with hospitalization or death of ambulatory patients monitored remotely
Teams from AP-HP, Sorbonne University and Inserm at the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health, coordinated by Dr Youri Yordanov and Prof. Agnès Dechartres, assessed the clinical characteristics, fate and factors associated with hospitalization or death of ambulatory patients followed using the COVIDOM device.
Press releases - 23.04.2021
A personalized precision medicine approach is needed to treat Covid-19 as more than one type of “Cytokine storm” is induced by SARS-CoV-2
The severe form of Covid-19 is known to be associated with the excessive elevation of many cytokines, a condition termed “cytokine storm”. Therapy with biological agents intended to block these cytokines, for example anti-interleukin-6 or anti-interleukin-1 antibodies, was already tried, albeit with a limited success. A recent study shows that there are at least two distinct types of cytokine storms induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection that are differentially associated with Covid-19 severity and mortality.
Press releases - 21.04.2021
SARS-CoV-2: infection induces antibodies capable of killing infected cells regardless of disease severity
Drawing on epidemiological field studies and the FrenchCOVID hospital cohort coordinated by Inserm, teams from the Institut Pasteur, the CNRS and the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI, Inserm/University Paris-Est Créteil) studied the antibodies induced in individuals with asymptomatic or symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. The scientists demonstrated that infection induces polyfunctional antibodies.
Press releases - 21.04.2021
La thérapie génique, un espoir contre les maladies de Charcot-Marie-Tooth
Troubles de la marche et de l’équilibre, douleurs, atrophie musculaire… c’est le quotidien des 30 000 à 50 000 patients souffrant des maladies de Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) en France. Des chercheurs de l’Inserm, de l’Université de Montpellier à l’Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier (INM) et à l’Institut de médecine régénérative et de biothérapie (IRMB), en collaboration avec l’ISTEM à Evry, viennent d’obtenir des résultats prometteurs en ayant recours à un vecteur de thérapie génique