
Explaining Chronic and Relapsing Eczema


Why do eczema patches caused by skin contact with an allergen reappear in the same areas despite having had time to heal? This is what an International Center for Infectiology Research team with members from Inserm, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and CNRS were keen to find out. The researchers discovered that not only do the allergens persist in the skin for several weeks but also that they are not alone in doing so. Indeed, immune cells – known as tissue-resident memory T cells – proliferate at the lesion sites and remain there for long periods, reactivating the onset of eczema patches in the event of re-exposure to the allergen. This research, published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, opens up new perspectives when it comes to understanding the mechanism and treatment of allergic contact dermatitis.

Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) (a type of eczema) is a skin reaction triggered by exposure to allergens. The resulting inflammation of the upper layers of the skin can last for several days, persists for as long as the area remains in contact with the allergen in question and can even become chronic. It manifests as localized skin rashes (eczema patches) accompanied by itching and burning, and reappears if the healed areas are re-exposed to the allergen.

Tissue-resident memory T (TRM) cells are immune cells that persist in peripheral tissues, such as the skin, over the long term. They contribute to the secondary immune response that – while especially rapid and effective against pathogens encountered previously – can cause the exacerbation of some inflammatory diseases, such as ACD. In the eczema patches caused by ACD, a build-up of TRMs is indeed observed.

A research team at the International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI), with members from Inserm, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and CNRS, studied the contribution of TRMs to the severity and chronicity of ACD in mice. They observed that the TRMs proliferate locally in the areas of the skin in contact with the allergen.

When ACD-induced inflammation resorbs, TRMs gradually accumulate in the epidermis and persist there for several weeks.

If the eczema lesion is re-exposed to the allergen – even if it appears to be healed – these cells are then responsible for the appearance of eczema patches.

The team, in its desire to find out why TRMs persist in the skin, observed that the allergens can remain in the epidermis for much longer than was previously thought (at least one month).

This persistence of the allergens in the healed areas could explain the stimulation over several weeks of the proliferation of the TRMs that are specific to them, as well as their persistence in the eczema lesion.

Finally, the researchers observed that the reactivation of the TRMs responsible for the eczema patches was subject to a retro-control enabled by a specific set of inhibitory receptors carried by the TRMs. When re-exposed to a low dose of allergen, these receptors are activated and suppress the activity of the TRMs, thereby preventing an excessive immune reaction.

This research helps to elucidate the role played by the TRMs in the local reappearance of eczema patches. It also shows that the development of therapeutic strategies to prevent the local reactivation of the TRMs through their inhibitory receptors should open up new perspectives in the treatment of ACD.

Human “Jumping Genes” Caught in the Act!

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Over the course of evolution, the genomes of most living organisms have grown more complex thanks to transposable elements, a.k.a. “jumping genes,” or DNA fragments that can move and copy themselves from one chromosome location to another. Researchers from Inserm, the CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur, and Université de Montpellier were able to capture these “jumping genes” just after they moved. The researchers compared their observations with existing databases. Their work, to be published in Molecular Cell, shows that the integration of “jumping genes” in humans is not random. Instead, it is thought to be influenced by specific genome properties. These results open up new perspectives for interpreting whole genome sequencing data.

Transposable elements, also known as “jumping genes,” are small DNA fragments that can multiply and move in the chromosomes of most living organisms. They have proliferated so intensely in mammals and primates that they make up more than half of our chromosomes! Of course, they don’t jump all at once in all of our cells. Of all the copies present in our DNA, only a small fraction remain active. All the rest are molecular remnants reflecting millions of years of evolution, during which harmful insertions were eliminated and beneficial ones retained.

In humans, the most active jumping genes are L1 retrotransposons. They can alter or destroy genes when they jump, triggering the manifestation of genetic diseases like hemophilia and muscular dystrophy. L1 retrotransposons are also particularly active in some forms of cancer, and could be involved in cellular aging or in some mental illnesses.

Do L1 retrotransposons target specific chromosome regions, or do they choose their positions at random? Teams led by Inserm head researchers Gaël Cristofari and Simona Saccani working at the Nice Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging (IRCAN, Inserm, CNRS, Université Côte d’Azur), along with their colleagues at Université de Montpellier, were able to use a “high-speed” genome sequencing technique to catch actively jumping genes right after they jumped to a new position.

After comparing their observations with genomic and epigenomic databanks, the researchers were able to identify which genome characteristics influenced the integration of the L1 retrotransposons. The most notable characteristic was DNA replication, and natural selection phenomena after integration played a preponderant role.

“We already knew that L1 retrotransposons tend to accumulate in specific areas of our chromosomes, especially heterochromatin. But we didn’t know whether that reflected a particular attraction to those regions, or if they are simply tolerated in those regions and eliminated elsewhere through natural selection. When we know where they jump to and which copies are retained over the course of evolution, we can discover – by deduction – the regions where they can do damage,” explains Cristofari.

Their results make it easier to understand how jumping genes can trigger mutations in humans, and how they contribute to the evolution of our genetic heritage. In the future, this research could be used to interpret whole genome sequencing data, particularly in personalized medicine and vast sequencing programs.

The research was made possible with financial support from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale, Cancéropôle PACA, the European Research Council, the French National Research Agency, the Labex Signalife, the Groupement de Recherche sur les Eléments Transposables (CNRS, GDR 3546), the FHU OncoAge, and the European Erasmus Mundus Mobility with Asia program.

Flu Shot: Cutaneous Administration Improves Efficacy

©Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Are there ways to improve the efficacy of flu vaccines? Are there markers that could, at the time of vaccination, predict the quality of the immune response several weeks down the line? Thanks to the work of Inserm Research Director Béhazine Combadière’s team at Unit 1135 “Center for Immunology and Infectious Diseases”, the answer to these two major questions is “yes”.

Their findings were published on April 8, 2019 in JCI.

While flu continues to claim lives every year[1], a vaccine exists to protect the populations. And while this vaccine is the best means of preventing the disease and reducing the risk of severe complications and death, it is not 100 % effective. This is due to the fact that its formulation is determined each year by the WHO several months before the epidemic peak and that it is based only on the probability that such and such a flu strain will be in circulation during the coming winter. Flu viruses are highly unpredictable, and the vaccine formulation must change from one year to the next. However, given that 5 to 6 months are needed to develop it, the vaccine does not always target all of the circulating strains.

The team of Béhazine Combadière, Inserm Research Director at Unit 1135 “Center for Immunology and Infectious Diseases”, has been working for years on the impact of vaccine administration routes on the quality of immune responses. The vaccines are usually administered by the muscular route and are effective in inducing humoral responses (production of antibodies), whereas the other immune response component, the cytotoxic response (production of T cells that directly destroy the infected cells) is poorly-induced by this route of administration.

The team studied the utility of administration via the skin – either by intradermal injection or transcutaneous application (via the hair follicles) – in inducing cytotoxic responses during flu vaccination. This involved conducting a phase I/II clinical trial on 60 people between 18 and 45 years of age in collaboration with the Vaccinology CIC led by Dr. Odile Launay. The study, published in JCI, demonstrates that in some subjects the cutaneous routes induce a cytotoxic response following flu vaccination. “This finding argues in favor of considering this vaccine injection route given that it triggers an immune reaction additional to that obtained with a standard vaccination. These cytotoxic responses would be particularly protective in elderly people following flu vaccination. ” explains Combadière.

In addition to these findings, the team brings new elements to the table concerning the specific imprints left by these injection routes in the body. For this, the researchers studied the gene signature of innate immunity, i.e. the expression of the messenger RNA of the genes in the blood the day after vaccination for each administration route. “Since previous findings showed that each administration route had its own innate response, we expected to have three signatures of innate immunity corresponding to the three administration routes, yet our findings only show two. These two signatures are correlated with the immune response of the individual: those that respond to the vaccine by increasing their humoral response and those that respond by inducing a cytotoxic response. “

Among these signatures, a certain number of biomarkers expressed the day after vaccination are thought to be predictive of the quality of immune response three weeks later. “However, these latest findings require other studies to validate the utility of these biomarkers and their future use”, conclude the researchers.

[1] For the winter of 2018-2019, over 2,000 deaths were attributed to the flu according to French Public Health Agency data.

Narcolepsy: A New Drug to Fight Sleepiness

©Photo by Cris Saur on Unsplash

How can the quality of life of patients with narcolepsy, the severest sleep disorder in humans, be improved? An international scientific team led by Yves Dauvilliers, a researcher at Inserm and Université de Montpellier, is working on Solriamfetol – a promising new drug that stimulates alertness and improves resistance to sleepiness. The results of the Phase 3 clinical trial published in Annals of Neurology show that when compared with existing treatments, Solriamfetol is not just more effective and long-lasting, but also has fewer side effects.

Narcolepsy is a chronic rare neurological disorder caused by a loss of neurons that synthesize the protein hypocretin. It is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness and difficulty staying awake. Being the severest sleep disorder in humans, it is an excellent model for studying other pathologies of the same type.

Existing treatments to improve the symptoms of narcolepsy are thin on the ground, inconsistent in their efficacy and sometimes linked to side effects. And they only treat the symptoms, not the root cause. Since research is as yet unable to produce synthetic hypocretin, these treatments make do with compensating the lack of hypocretin: they stimulate alertness by acting primarily on dopamine transporters.

It is on the development of a more effective drug in improving narcolepsy symptoms that is working Yves Dauvilliers, researcher at Inserm and Université de Montpellier in the “Neuropsychiatry: Epidemiological and Clinical Research” laboratory (Inserm/Université de Montpellier), in collaboration with international teams. The research he is leading is centered around Solriamfetol[1], a drug that not only inhibits the transporters of dopamine but also those of norepinephrine – another neurotransmitter involved in the regulation of waking.

In this Phase 3 clinical trial, 240 narcoleptic patients were followed for 12 weeks in order to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Solriamfetol in humans. The tests were performed under double-blind conditions on groups of 60 patients receiving different doses of Solriamfetol or placebo. In addition to patient feedback on the day-to-day changes in their sleepiness, the trial also involved tests in which the patients were required to try to stay awake in an atmosphere conducive to sleep.

The research team observed that those patients receiving a daily dose of 150 mg or 300 mg Solriamfetol managed to fight sleepiness for around 20 minutes versus 10 without treatment, i.e. for twice as long. The currently-prescribed treatments extend this alertness by only 2 to 3 minutes. This efficacy was maintained throughout the 12 weeks of treatment, with few side effects and no need to increase dosage.

“By enabling them to better resist sleepiness, Solriamfetol therefore proves to be highly promising when it comes to improving the quality of life of people with narcolepsy and also in the other disorders linked to sleepiness, such as sleep apnea syndrome – in which it offers the same efficacy”, states Dauvilliers. In order to evaluate its efficacy and safety over time, the researchers have launched a new clinical trial lasting one year.

[1]The study protocol was developed, in collaboration with the authors, by Jazz Pharmaceuticals, which is funding the trial and holds a license to develop and commercialize Solriamfetol

Nanoblades: shuttles for genome surgery



Researchers are now able to edit the genome with precision using the “gene editing scissors” of CRISPR-Cas9, which is a highly promising tool for gene therapy. The technical challenge now is to get this tool into the genome of certain cells. With this in mind, a joint team from Inserm, the CNRS, the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, working within the International Center for Infectiology Research (CIRI), have developed capsules that allow CRISPR-Cas9 to reach the target DNA: Nanoblades. Described in a recent article in Nature Communications, they open up avenues of research for genome editing in human stem cells.

Since 2012, the scientific community has had access to a revolutionary method for highly precise genome “surgery”: the CRISPR-Cas9 system. These molecular scissors are able to cut DNA at a precise place in a wide variety of cell types. The technique therefore offers significant prospects for research and human health. However, getting these “gene editing scissors” to their target—including the genome of certain stem cells—remains technically challenging.

Tackling this problem has been the focus for research teams from Inserm, the CNRS, the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, and the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, who have developed Nanoblades,[1] particles that enable CRISPR-Cas9 to be delivered into numerous different cells, including human cells.

The scientists had the idea of encapsulating the CRISPR-Cas9 system in structures that strongly resemble viruses as a way to deliver it into target cells, by fusing with the target cell membrane.

In developing Nanoblades, researchers exploited the properties of the retroviral Gag protein, which is able to produce viral particles that have no genome and are therefore non-infectious. The research team fused the Gag protein from a mouse retrovirus with the Cas9 protein—the scissor component of the CRISPR system. This new “fusion” protein is what makes Nanoblades original.

As a result, and unlike classic genome modification techniques, Nanoblades encapsulate a CRISPR/Cas9 complex that is immediately functional rather than delivering a nucleic acid coding for the CRISPR-Cas9 system in the treated cells. “The action of CRISPR-Cas9 on the cells is therefore temporary. It is also more precise and preserves the non-target regions of the genome, which is a particularly important feature in the context of therapeutic applications”, explain the authors.


Représentation schématique d’une particule Nanoblades livrant CRISPR CAS9

Schematic diagram of a Nanoblades particle delivering CRISPR-Cas9

La protéine GAG tapissant l’intérieur des particules rétrovirales

The Gag protein internally lining the retroviral particles

La protéine CAS9, ciseau effecteur du système CRISPR, pouvant cliver l’ADN

The Cas9 protein, the scissor component of the CRISPR system, is able to cleave DNA

L’ARN guide, qui va placer CAS9 sur la région ADN cible. Il a une affinité naturelle pour CAS9

The RNA guides Cas9, then positions it at the target DNA region. It has a natural affinity for Cas9

Les deux enveloppes virales conférant un tropisme large aux particules

The two viral envelopes give the particles a broad tropism

La bicouche lipidique qui entoure la particule

The lipid bilayer surrounding the particle

Finally, researchers used an original combination of two viral envelope proteins on the surface of Nanoblades to enable them to enter a wide range of target cells.

The scientists have demonstrated the efficacy of Nanoblades in vivo, in mouse embryos, for a broad range of applications and in a broad panel of target cells for which other methods have had limited success. “Nanoblades have turned out to be particularly effective for editing the genome of human stem cells. These cells are of major therapeutic interest (particularly in tissue regeneration), but remain difficult to manipulate using standard methods”, explain the study authors.

[1] Nanoblades have been tested in mice and were patented by Inserm Transfert in 2016.
