
A major advance towards a treatment for accelerated ageing

In a study published today in the journal EMBO Molecular Medicine1, the team led by Prof. Nicolas Lévy identifies the mechanism associated with the accumulation of progerin, a toxic protein produced in the course of ageing, and demonstrates the therapeutic potential of a new drug – MG132 – to treat progeria, a rare syndrome involving premature and accelerated ageing. Nicolas Lévy and his team have demonstrated the ability of this drug to considerably reduce progerin production and simultaneously degrade it. This drug, along with other compounds from the same family, is undergoing evaluation for the treatment of other rare diseases, as well as more common diseases including certain types of cancer.

This work, supported by Inserm, Aix-Marseille University, the A*Midex foundation and AFM-Téléthon, paves the way to a therapeutic trial and the development of compounds to reduce the effects of accelerated and physiological ageing.

 Hutchinson Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS) is an extremely rare and severe genetic disease that causes precocious and accelerated ageing in children. Although it spares the brain functions, it progressively leads to ageing in the vast majority of the organs, with particularly dramatic consequences being observed in the skin, adipose tissue, cardiovascular system and bones. Constantly fatal, death usually occurs around the age of 13 years. This disease, which affects 1 birth per 10–20 million worldwide, is caused by a mutation in the LMNA gene taht leads to the production  and  accumulation  of  a toxic protein, progerin, in cells nuclei. Progerin causes serious cellular dysfunctions (defects in DNA breaks repair, failure of cell proliferation    and    differentiation, etc…). Progeria is thus a unique model for understanding major mechanisms involved in natural ageing. Since 2003, Nicolas Lévy and his team have identified the gene and mechanism inducing progeria and other premature ageing diseases, developed therapeutic approaches, and conducted the first European trial in 12 children affected with the disease.

In the study published today, Nicolas Lévy’s team – UMR_S910, Aix-Marseille University/Inserm – has identified the mechanism whereby progerin accumulates without being degraded, and has identified a family of drugs that not only allow a tremendous reduction in its initial production, but also the simultaneous elimination of the remaining produced progerin. This study, using cells from children affected with progeria as well as a mouse model developed within this same team£, paves the way for a clinical trial for  progeria and other severe diseases of accelerated ageing. It will also be exploited in order to define the potential of each drug identified in the family, with respect to rare genetic diseases, cancers and natural ageing. For Dr Karim Harhouri, first author of the study, “These 5 years of work have enabled us to discover the real mechanism whereby progerin accumulates without being degraded, and a class of drugs that had not been exploited before, with a seemingly major therapeutic potential.”

“This work is part of the main thrust of our research in the area of rare genetic diseases, continuously aimed at translating knowledge of fundamental mechanisms into the most efficient possible treatments for our patients. This could not have been achieved without the convergence of talents, human skills and expertises to reach a common ambition, that of expanding effective treatments for our patients while reducing the access time; this is the philosophy we should be adopting, that of integrated research on care-related problems, and which we are upholding with the creation of the GIPTIS Institute*,” explains Nicolas Lévy, principal investigator, senior author of the study and proponent of the GIPTIS Institute*, which should open its doore in Marseille in 2020.

This work is the subject of a joint patent application – WO2016/113357 – holded by Aix- Marseille University, Inserm, AFM-Téléthon, CNRS and the ProGeLife** biotech company.

*GIPTIS : Genetics Institute for Patients, Therapies, Innovation and Science (


An alternative route for cholesterol



Cholesterol plays a central role in many living processes. In a new study, a team led by Catherine-Laure Tomasetto, Inserm research director at the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (Inserm/CNRS/Université de Strasbourg) reveals the role played by the STARD3 protein in the distribution of cholesterol within cells. A little like molecular velcro, this protein has the capacity to form membrane contacts between two cell organelles, enabling it to transport cholesterol from one organelle to another.

This research has been published in the EMBO Journal

Cholesterol is a component of biological membranes and essential for human cell functioning. A cell has two ways of obtaining cholesterol: by capturing it in the blood and internalizing it using endosomes, or by producing it in the endoplasmic reticulum, a network covering the inside of the cell that synthesizes most lipids. Once captured or synthesized, cholesterol is redistributed throughout the cell’s membranes via mechanisms that have not all been elucidated.

Since cholesterol is not water-soluble, its movements within the cell are very limited. To ensure its transport, the cells have specialized transporters. Catherine-Laure Tomasetto’s team is interested in one of them, protein STARD3, the role of which had remained quite a mystery until now. In this new study, the researchers unraveled some of that mystery. STARD3 is anchored to the endosomes, cell organelles that ensure communication between the outside and the inside of cells. Within the cell, STARD3 attaches to VAP, a protein that is itself fixed to the endoplasmic reticulum. This association creates close appositions between the endosome and the endoplasmic reticulum that are known as membrane contact sites. At these sites, the membranes of the two organelles are very close (less than 30 nm), thus facilitating communication and exchange. In this study, the researchers demonstrated that these membrane contact sites between the endosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum form a type of bridge, enabling STARD3 to transfer cholesterol from the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum to that of the endosome, thereby rerouting some of the cholesterol that was intended for the plasma membrane.

These results therefore identify a new pathway that regulates cholesterol flow within cells. Understanding how cells balance the two available cholesterol sources will probably help us better understand the mechanisms of certain neurodegenerative or cardiovascular disorders presenting alterations in cholesterol distribution.

This study was funded by the French National Cancer Institute (INCA), the French foundation for medical research (FRM), the French League against cancer, the Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation, and the Vaincre les Maladies Lysosomales (overcoming lysosomal diseases) association.


The formation of a membrane contact site for the transport of cholesterol

Image credit: F Alpy/IGBMC

Communication between neurons implicated in autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities


© Fotolia

An international collaborative study coordinated by Frédéric Laumonnier (Unit 930 “Imaging and Brain” Inserm/University of Tours) and Yann Hérault of the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (Inserm/ CNRS/ University of Strasbourg) provides new and original findings on the pathophysiological role of the contact areas between neurons in certain brain disorders. The study reveals that mutation of one of the genes involved in intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder leads to dysfunction of the synapses, which are essential for neuronal communication. The research was published on April 18, 2017, in Molecular Psychiatry.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID) are neurodevelopmental disorders that generally emerge when a child’s brain is developing and often persist into adulthood. Behavioral disorders and inabilities to communicate and establish social interactions are observed in people with ASD. In addition, those with ID present difficulties with comprehension, memory, and learning. While the origins of these disorders remain poorly understood, we now know that a significant proportion are associated with genetic mutations.

During the brain development process, synapse formation is essential for brain functions such as memory and learning. Synapses are the points of contact between neurons which enable neurons to connect with each other and propagate information.  Some synapses are inhibitory and others excitatory, to enable the establishment of functional neuronal networks. However, mutations of the so-called PTCHD1 (Patched Domain containing 1) gene, which is located on the X chromosome and enables the expression of a protein potentially involved in synaptic functioning, have recently been identified in boys with the aforementioned disorders. These mutations stop the gene from expressing itself.

In order to validate the involvement of PTCHD1 gene mutations in ASD and ID, Hérault and his co-workers created a mouse model that was deficient for the PTCHD1 gene. In these animals, they observed major memory deficits and significant symptoms of hyperactivity, thus confirming the gene’s involvement in ASD and ID. Parallel studies by Laumonnier’s team showed a presence of the PTCHD1 protein in the excitatory synapses and also detected changes in the same mice’s synapses.

These changes to synaptic structure and activity in the excitatory neuronal networks were found to be particularly significant in a central brain region known as the hippocampus. This region plays a major role in cognitive processes, particularly those involving memory and the formation of new memories.

Genetic abnormalities impacting the structure or functioning of these synapses constitute a pathophysiological target in ASD and ID. In this context, this research defines a new “synaptic disease” caused by a PTCHD1 gene mutation. This dysfunction emerges during the development of the central nervous system and is associated with ID and ASD. Understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie these neurodevelopmental disorders, particularly through the study of model organisms, is essential to improve therapeutic strategies.

New step towards the treatment of myotubular myopathy: gene therapy restores strength and prolongs lives in affected dogs

A team of researchers in France, led by Dr. Ana Buj-Bello (Genethon/Inserm) and teams at the University of Washington and Harvard Medical School in the United States, achieved a new step towards the treatment of myotubular myopathy by gene therapy. The researchers demonstrated the efficacy of administration of a therapeutic vector by a single intravenous injection and identified the dose that restores long-term muscular strength in a large animal model of the disease.

This work, published today in Molecular Therapy, has been achieved thanks to donations from the French Telethon and the support of the Myotubular Trust.
Myotubular myopathy is an X-linked genetic disease affecting 1 in 50,000 newborn boys. It is caused by mutations in the MTM1 gene encoding myotubularin, a protein involved in the functioning of muscle cells. The severe form of the disease leads to hypotonia, generalized muscle weakness and death in early infancy due to breathing difficulties. Dogs naturally affected by this myopathy also have a reduced life expectancy. To date, there is no effective treatment for this rare disease.

In the present study, Genethon’s team developed and manufactured an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector able to deliver a normal copy of the MTM1 gene in the entire musculature. The AAV product was administrated by a simple intravenous injection in ten week-old dogs manifesting the first symptoms of the disease – instead of the locoregional route of administration used in previous studies (Science Translational Medicine, January 2014).

The treatment restored whole-body muscle strength and function, and prolonged the life of affected dogs. Treated dogs were indistinguishable from normal animals 9 months after product injection.

Dr. Ana Buj-Bello, Genethon/Inserm said: « We report a dose-finding study and show the therapeutic benefit of the vector by a single intravenous injection. It is a clinically-relevant route of administration and represents a step towards a clinical trial in patients”.

Discovery of an HIV reservoir marker: A new avenue toward eliminating the virus


© Fabrice Hyber, pour Organoïde/Institut Pasteur

French researchers have identified a marker that makes it possible to differentiate “dormant” HIV-infected cells from healthy cells. This discovery will make it possible to isolate and analyze reservoir cells which, by silently hosting the virus, are responsible for its persistence even among patients receiving antiviral treatment, whose viral load is undetectable. It offers new therapeutic strategies for targeting infected cells. This research is part of the ANRS strategic program “Réservoirs du VIH”. It is the result of a collaboration between the CNRS, Montpellier University, Inserm, the Institut Pasteur, the Henri-Mondor AP-HP hospital in Créteil, the Gui de Chauliac hospital (CHU de Montpellier) and the VRI (Vaccine Research Institute), and is published in the journal Nature on March 15, 2017. A patent owned by the CNRS has been filed for the diagnostic and therapeutic use of the identified marker.

Since 1996, there has been consensus among the scientific community that a cure for HIV will involve targeting “reservoir cells” that host the virus in the organisms of patients undergoing triple therapy. HIV can remain hidden in these reservoirs, in latent form, for several decades, eluding the immune system’s response and antiviral treatments, without any viral protein being expressed. But if treatment ceases, the virus massively proliferates and the disease progresses again. Patients must therefore receive treatment for life. To envisage eliminating this dormant virus, a first stage consists in distinguishing the HIV-infected reservoir cells from their healthy counterpart cells, which resemble them to a very large degree. This is what has been achieved by a team of researchers, who have identified a marker of reservoir cells: a protein present only on the surface of infected cells.

Hypothesizing that HIV might leave a mark on the surface of its host cell, researchers from the Institut de génétique humaine (CNRS/Montpellier University) first worked in vitro on an infection model developed in their laboratory. After comparing infected cells and healthy cells,[1] they noticed one particular protein, coded by a gene among the hundred of those expressed in a specific way by infected cells. Present only on the surface of the infected cells, the CD32a protein thus met, in vitro, the criteria of a reservoir cell marker. This was then confirmed by experiments on clinical samples. By studying blood samples from 12 patients living with HIV and receiving treatment,[2] the researchers isolated the cells expressing the marker and observed that almost all were HIV carriers. In vitro, the activation of these cells induced a production of viruses capable of reinfecting healthy cells whereas their elimination entailed a significant delay in viral production.

In the fight against HIV, this discovery paves the way to a better fundamental understanding of viral reservoirs, which it will now be possible to isolate more easily and analyze directly. In the longer term, it should lead to therapeutic strategies aiming to eliminate the latent virus from the organism and make remission—at least temporary—possible in the absence of antiviral treatments.

This research received support from the ANRS, MSD Avenir, the European Commission, the Fondation Bettencourt Schuelle, the Fondation pour la recherche médicale and the Vaccine Research Institute (VRI).

[1] The cells studied are T CD4 lymphocytes, whose numbers are progressively reduced upon infection by HIV. The number of these cells is thus used by doctors to monitor the progression of the disease and the efficacy of treatments.

[2] Patients monitored by the Clinical Immunology and Infectious Disease Department at the Henri-Mondor AP-HP hospital in Créteil and by the Infectious and Tropical Disease Department at Gui de Chauliac hospital (CHU de Montpellier).

Breast cancer: identification of a molecular switch that controls cancer stem cells

Cancer sein Fournier

© fotolia

Some cancer cells are resistant to treatment and persist. If they are capable of proliferating again, even a very small number of these cells may be enough to reconstitute a tumour after or despite treatment. Various approaches to eliminate these “cancer stem cells” (CSCs) have been tried in recent years: targeted therapies, vaccination and tumour starvation. In an article published in the journal Cell Reports, Christophe Ginestier, Inserm Research Fellow at the Cancer Research Center of Marseille (CRCM, Aix-Marseille University/CNRS/Institut Paoli-Calmettes), and his collaborators identify a specific RNA[1] molecule that plays the role of a molecular switch that can “turn off” or “turn on” CSC proliferation in breast cancers.

Scientific data accumulated in the course of recent years have shown that tumours contain a particular population of cells with different properties. Indeed, a small number of the cells constituting a tumour have the ability, when isolated and then injected into animal models, to form a tumour identical to the original one. These cells, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs), can proliferate (and thereby renew themselves), differentiate (and thereby give rise to the different populations that make up the tumour), or even become temporarily dormant, which allows them to escape most treatments, since these mainly target dividing cells.

If the tumour is to be eliminated in such a way that it cannot grow again, the CSCs must be neutralised. The development of any new therapeutic strategy requires a better understanding of the intrinsic molecular mechanisms of CSCs. MicroRNAs have been described as regulators that can direct the “cellular destiny” of stem cells, particularly during embryogenesis. They might play a major role in CSC biology. MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that, unlike messenger RNAs, do not act as intermediates in protein production based on information encoded by genes, but regulate the activity of other RNAs or of proteins.

Christophe Ginestier, Emmanuelle Charafe-Jauffret and their co-authors screened the full complement of microRNAs present in the genome in order to identify microRNAs capable of directing the choice for a CSC between self-renewal and differentiation. They thus observed that inactivation of one particular microRNA, known as miR-600, causes an increase in CSCs, while its overexpression reduces tumourigenicity.

They then showed that miR-600 works by acting on an enzyme needed to activate a protein (WNT) known to activate a signalling cascade involved in embryogenesis. When they inactivate miR-600, the researchers observe the expansion of CSCs. Conversely, when miR-600 production is increased, differentiation of CSCs is promoted at the expense of their proliferation: tumour progression is stopped.

This mechanism, demonstrated experimentally, clearly seems to play a role in the development of breast cancers, since the researchers were also able to show, by analysing a panel of 120 human breast tumours, that a low level of miR-600 is found to be associated with a strong activation of the WNT protein and a poor prognosis for patients whose tumours show these characteristics.

“If miR-600 is a switch for tumour aggressiveness, it may therefore constitute an excellent therapeutic target,” conclude the researchers. “Our data also tend to prove that resistance to treatment and relapse after treatment could be due to the fact that the therapies employed are not targeting the right cancer cells.”

[1] RNA: ribonucleic acid, a biological molecule present in nearly every living being. Often providing intermediate support to genes during protein synthesis, RNA can also be involved in many chemical reactions within the cell.

Sickle cell disease : remission of disease symptoms in the world’s first patient treated using gene therapy

A team led by Prof. Marina Cavazzana, working at Necker Hospital for Sick Children, AP-HP, and the Imagine Institute (AP-HP/Inserm/Paris Descartes University) performed gene therapy on a 13-year-old patient with severe sickle cell anaemia in October 2014 as part of a phase I/II clinical trial. Conducted in collaboration with Prof. Philippe Leboulch (CEA/Faculties of Medicine at Paris-Sud and Harvard Universities), who developed the vector used, and supervised the preclinical studies, this innovative treatment provided complete remission from the clinical signs of the disease, and the correction of biological signs. Results (15-month follow up after transplantation) are published in the New England Journal of Medicine on 2 March 2017, and confirm the efficacy of this new therapy of the future. 

Sickle cell disease, a serious form of chronic anaemia of genetic origin, is characterised by the production of abnormal haemoglobin and deformed (falciform or sickle-shaped) red blood cells, due to a mutation in the gene encoding β-globin. This disease is associated with very serious episodes of pain caused by vaso-occlusive crises. It also causes lesions in all the vital organs, great sensitivity to infection, iron overload and endocrine disorders. Haemoglobinopathies affect an estimated 7% of the world’s population. Among them, sickle cell disease is considered the most common, with 50 million people carrying the mutation, i.e. who are at risk of transmitting the disease or actually have it. Abnormalities in the β-globin gene, i.e. sickle cell disease and β-thalassaemia, are the most widely distributed inherited diseases in the world, more common than all other genetic diseases combined.

The clinical trial, coordinated by Prof. Marina Cavazzana*, was conducted at Necker Hospital for Sick Children, AP-HP, and the Imagine Institute.

The first phase involved taking haematopoietic stem cells, the source of all blood cell lineages, from the patient’s bone marrow. A viral vector[1] carrying a therapeutic gene, previously developed to treat ß-thalassaemia, was then introduced into these cells in order to correct them. This lentiviral vector, capable of carrying long complex segments of DNA, was developed by Prof. Philippe Leboulch**, and is produced on a large scale by the American company bluebird bio[2].

The treated cells were then reinjected intravenously into the young patient in October 2014. During his subsequent period in hospital, the adolescent then received care in the Paediatric Immunohaematology Unit at Necker Hospital for Sick Children, in collaboration with Prof. Stéphane Blanche and Dr Jean-Antoine Ribeil.

Fifteen months after transplantation with the corrected cells, the patient no longer requires blood transfusions, no longer suffers from vaso-occlusive crises, and has fully resumed his physical and academic activities. “We also note that the therapeutic protein from the vector, which strongly inhibits pathological sickling, is remarkably highly expressed and effective,” explains Prof. Philippe Leboulch.

“With this gene therapy approach, we hope to develop future clinical trials and enrol a high number of patients with sickle cell disease, in Île de France and throughout the national territory,” says Prof. Marina Cavazzana.

[1] A vector is a self-replicating molecule of DNA or RNA (plasmid, cosmid, viral DNA) into which foreign DNA is inserted, and which is then used to enable this DNA to enter a target cell.

[2] A company founded by Prof. Philippe Leboulch, and sponsor of the clinical trial.

Rituximab effective in the treatment of membranous glomerulonephritis

A national trial on membranous glomerulonephritis in 80 patients was coordinated by Prof. Pierre Ronco, of the Department of Nephrology and Dialysis at Tenon Hospital AP-HP, of the Inserm Unit “Rare and common kidney diseases, matrix remodelling and tissue repair” [1] and Pierre and Marie Curie University, and by Dr Karine Dahan, of the Nephrology Day Hospital at Tenon Hospital AP-HP. This serious autoimmune disease is the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults. In 30% of cases, it progresses to very severe renal failure. Conducted in collaboration with Prof. Tabassome Simon, from the Department of Clinical Pharmacology and East Paris Clinical Research Centre at Saint Antoine Hospital, AP-HP, this trial shows, for the first time, the efficacy and safety of rituximab in treating the disease.

This work was published on 27 June 2016 in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.


Membranous glomerulonephritis is a rare autoimmune disease (one new case recorded per year per 100,000 inhabitants), in most cases caused by antibodies directed against a protein (PLA2R) located in the renal filter (the glomerulus). The immunosuppressive treatments – aimed at attenuating this immune reaction of the body – that have been used until now have shown some efficacy, associated, however, with considerable toxicity: risks of infection, fertility problems, subsequent development of cancer or impaired renal function.

Rituximab is a monoclonal antibody specifically directed against the B lymphocytes that produce the toxic antibodies. Until now, its safety and efficacy had not been demonstrated.

In this context, Prof. Pierre Ronco and Dr Karine Dahan conducted a study in 80 patients with a severe form of membranous glomerulonephritis at Tenon Hospital AP-HP. The patients were enrolled from January 2012 to July 2014 in 31 nephrology departments throughout France, including 9 departments of Paris public hospitals (AP-HP) [2], with annual follow-up for two years.

This randomised study made it possible to compare the efficacy of the standard treatment, known as “antiproteinuric,” with the same treatment combined with 2 intravenous infusions of rituximab (375 mg/m2) given at a one-week interval. Patients were observed for the occurrence of immunological remission (disappearance of antibodies), clinical remission (reduction or disappearance of proteinuria) and adverse effects of the treatment.

Results showed that rituximab had a positive effect on immunological remission (50% from 3 months) and clinical remission (with 64% of patients entering remission before the end of the study), with corresponding values of only 12% and 34% respectively in patients given the antiproteinuric treatment alone.

The percentage of remission was similar to that obtained with other immunosuppressive treatments, but with a much lower therapeutic risk, since the number of adverse events was the same in both treatment groups (with or without rituximab).


“This study contributes a very important element to the debate surrounding immunosuppressive treatments in membranous glomerulonephritis,” explains Prof. Pierre Ronco.

“In clinical terms, it favours the use of rituximab as a first-line treatment in severe forms, with very regular monitoring of the level of anti-PLA2R antibodies in these patients.”

This study will provide a basis for other protocols aimed at increasing the percentage of clinical and immunological remission without increasing the rate of adverse effects. It is likely that some patients did not respond to the treatment because the rituximab leaked into the urine. These protocols will therefore include the use of higher or more frequent doses, and further IV infusions in patients who maintain high antibody levels.

Ethical issues surrounding CRISPR-Cas9 technology

On 13 June last, the Inserm Ethics Committee assembled over a hundred individuals at its annual seminar. All those present had the benefit of an ethical perspective on many problems posed by biomedical research. One of the questions addressed was that of CRISPR-Cas9 technology. The Ethics Committee has devoted a specific opinion to it, while the NIH has just obtained a first green light for a human cancer immunotherapy trial.


The Inserm Ethics Committee (CEI) may receive referrals or carry out investigations on its own initiative to reflect on ethical questions raised by medical science- and health-related research carried out within the Institute. At the end of its reflection, it issues an opinion in the form of notes that may evolve as new contributions are added. In 2015, the CEO of Inserm requested the Ethics Committee to specifically examine questions related to the development of CRISPR technology, and particularly:

1- What are the questions raised by the technology as such?

2- Does the rapidity of its development raise particular problems?

3- Does the simplicity of its use call for regulation of its implementation in the laboratory?


Given the technical advantages of the method, and its very rapid dissemination, the question now is to evaluate where, when and how its use might pose an ethical problem. It seemed immediately important to distinguish three areas associated with different issues:

1/ application of the technology to humans, which essentially raises the question of germ line modifications;

2/ application to animals, particularly “pest” species, which raises the question of potential horizontal gene transfer and the emergence of irreversible damage to biodiversity;

3/ risks of damage to the environment.


Recommendations of the Inserm Ethics Committee

The Committee immediately proposes that Inserm adopt the following principles:

1- To encourage research aimed at evaluating the efficacy and safety of CRISPR technology and other recently published genome editing technologies, in experimental models that can allow case-by-case determination of the benefit/risk balance of a therapeutic application, including any applications that involve germ cells and the embryo. This information is essential to the future determination of what might be authorised for human use in terms of therapeutic approaches.

2- The potentially adverse effects of gene drive systems must be evaluated before any use outside of a laboratory, observing the containment rules already in force for other genetic modifications. Evaluations must be made over long periods, given the transmissible nature of the driver gene. Reversibility measurements should be provided for in the event of escape or adverse effects. Such analyses and the design of multiple scenarios require the constitution of pluridisciplinary teams.

3- To comply with the prohibition of any modification of the germ line nuclear genome for reproductive purposes in the human species, and not support any application to modify the legal conditions until uncertainties about the risks have been clearly evaluated, and until a broad consultation involving multiple partners from civil society has ruled on this scenario.

4- To participate in any national or international initiative dealing with questions of freedom of research and medical ethics, including initiatives with emerging countries that will also be affected by the development of genome editing technologies.

5- Finally, to draw attention to the more philosophical question which contrasts the plasticity of life with the idea of a human nature founded on the only biological constant. Awareness needs to be increased regarding the utopia and dystopias that can be generated by some therapeutic promises.


The origin of heart dysfunctions in myotonic dystrophy identified

An international team, including researchers in France at Inserm, CNRS and the University of Strasbourg, brought together at IGBMC[1] is lifting the veil on the molecular mechanisms causing heart dysfunctions in myotonic dystrophy, a genetic disease affecting one person in 8,000. This new study, published this week in Nature Communications, could contribute to discovering a treatment.

DM muscle cells

(c) Inserm/IGBMC

Myotonic dystrophy, also known as Steinert disease, is the commonest adult form of muscular dystrophy. Patients affected by this genetic condition suffer from wasting of skeletal muscles as well as arrhythmia and other cardiac dysfunctions. This is a particularly debilitating disease, for which there is currently no treatment.

Myotonic dystrophy is due to a mutation leading to the expression of RNA containing long repetitive sequences of the CUG trinucleotide. These mutated RNAs accumulate and alter regulation of alternative splicing[2] of numerous genes. Despite the significance of work already done on this disease, many points remain to be elucidated. This is true for the origin of arrhythmia and other cardiac dysfunctions, which represent the second most common cause of death in this disease.

In this new study, researchers have identified new splicing alterations in messenger RNA from heart samples of affected patients. Among these many alterations, biologists have established that those relating to the cardiac sodium channel (SCN5A) were fundamental to understanding the cardiac dysfunctions of these patients.

Scientists there clarified the molecular mechanisms leading to the alteration of SCN5A in these patients. Collaboration with Denis Furling’s team at the Institut de Myologie in Paris has enabled these cardiac alterations to be reproduced in a mouse model.

“The next step would be to see if, by restoring correct splicing of SCN5A, we can also successfully restore normal heart function”, explains Nicolas Charlet-Berguerand, Inserm Research Director, who coordinated this work. The researchers are hoping that this breakthrough will give a fresh boost to research into this rare disease.

Modèle d'épissage alternatif du canal sodique cardiaque

Alternative splicing model of the cardiac sodium channel (SCN5A) in myotonic dystrophy. (c) Inserm/IGBMC

This work was financed by the French Myopathy Association (AFM), the European research council (ERC), the European E-rare programme (ANR), Inserm and Labex-INRT (ANR).

[1] Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology (Inserm/CNRS/University of Strasbourg)

[2] In eukaryotes, this is a process by which RNA transcribed from a gene can undergo different cutting and splicing steps leading to the loss of various regions. This process enables proteins having distinct properties to be produced from the same gene.
